The Struggle is Real: Why Teens Face an Identity Crisis

It's no secret that teenagers go through a lot of changes - physically, emotionally, and mentally. One of the most challenging tasks during this time is developing a sense of identity. Teens often feel like they are struggling to find themselves, and sometimes they even feel like they are in the middle of an identity crisis. In this blog post, I will explore some of the reasons why teens face difficulties when it comes to establishing their identity, as well as four stages of identity development. I will also look at how different factors can influence identity formation during adolescence. Lastly, I will discuss teenage identity crisis and offer tips for supporting your teen's journey towards self-discovery.

So Why Do Teenagers Struggle With Identity?

One of the biggest reasons teens struggle with identity is that they are going through so many changes. Their bodies are changing, their emotions are all over the place, and they are trying to figure out who they are as individuals. It can be a lot for anyone to handle, let alone someone who is still growing and learning about themselves. Another reason why teens have a hard time is that they are bombarded with messages from the media, their peers, and society in general about who they should be and what they should look like. It can be confusing and overwhelming for teens to try to sort through all of these messages and figure out what is truly important to them. The good news is that there is a process to identity development, and understanding this process can help teens (and their parents!) feel more supported during this time.

The Four Stages of Identity Development


This is the stage where teens are trying out different roles and exploring different aspects of their identities. They may experiment with different styles of clothing, hair, and makeup. They may also try out different hobbies and activities. It's important for teens to have the freedom to explore during this stage without judgement from others.


This is the stage where teens start to question who they are and what they want in life. They may feel like they don't fit in anywhere, and they may feel like they are different from everyone else. This is a normal and necessary part of identity development, and it's important for teens to have the support of adults during this time.


This is the stage where teens start to solidify their sense of self. They may make decisions about their future plans, their values, and who they want to be in life. It's important for teens to feel like they have the freedom to make their own choices during this stage, and it's also important for them to have adults in their lives who support their decisions.


This is the final stage of identity development, and it's when teens start to feel confident in who they are. They may have a clear sense of their future plans, and they may feel like they belong to a community or group. It's important for teens to feel supported and loved during this stage, as they continue to grow into their own unique selves.

There are many resources available to further support these stages for teens, including journals that focus on goals, values, visions and self-esteem, take a look at my wide range of resources that support independence and identity - Here.

What Factors Influence Identity Formation in Adolescence

There are many factors that can influence identity formation during adolescence. Some of these factors include family, friends, culture, religion, and education. It's important for teens to have positive relationships with adults who can support them during this time. Additionally, it's important for teens to feel like they belong to a community or group. This can help them feel supported and connected as they explore their identities.

The Keys to Sense of Identity

It's no wonder that so many teens face an identity crisis. With all the pressure to succeed and fit in, it can be tough for them to figure out who they are and what they want in life. But there are some things that are key to their sense of identity. Here are a few of them:

  1. Values and beliefs - check out this printable values and visions journal to support this - Values and Visions Workbook

  2. Hobbies and interests - The Big Book of Goals Journal is a great tool for this

  3. The way they see themselves - This Self-Care Journal is a great reflection tool

  4. Their relationships with others - How’s this FREE Thoughts Journal

If you know a young person struggling to figure out their identity, it can be helpful to take a look at these things. Help them to think about what's important to them and what makes them happy. That can give teens a good starting point for figuring out who they are and what they want in life.

Tips for Supporting Identity Formation

Encourage exploration

During the exploration stage, it's important for teens to have the freedom to explore without judgement from others. This means that adults should avoid telling teens what they should or shouldn't be doing. Instead, adults should provide support and encouragement as teens explore their identities.

Be supportive during crisis

The crisis stage can be difficult for both teens and their parents. During this time, it's important for adults to be supportive and understanding. Additionally, it's important for adults to avoid putting pressure on teens to make decisions about their future.

Encourage commitment

During the commitment stage, it's important for teens to feel like they have the freedom to make their own choices. This means that adults should avoid telling teens what they should or shouldn't do. Instead, adults should support and encourage teens as they make decisions about their future.

Provide love and support during consolidation

The consolidation stage is when teens start to feel confident in who they are. During this time, it's important for adults to provide love and support. Additionally, it's important for adults to continue to encourage teens as they grow into their own unique selves.

If you are a parent of a teen, you can support their identity formation by encouraging exploration, being supportive during crisis, and providing love and support during consolidation. Additionally, it's important to provide teens with the freedom to make their own choices. This will help them feel confident and secure as they explore their identities. It's important to remember that identity development is a process, and there is no one right or wrong way to do it. Every teen is different and will develop their own unique sense of self. The most important thing you can do as a parent or guardian is to provide support and guidance along the way. Teenage identity crisis is a normal part of adolescence. However, it can be a difficult and confusing time for both teens and their parents. If you are concerned about your teen's mental health during this time, please reach out to a professional for help.

Have you raised a teen struggling through an identity crisis? Share what you feel comfortable with in the comments below, I would love to hear from you! If you have any questions about teens and identity or are looking for a particular resource then please reach out, I am here to help. 😊

Dont forget to take a look at my many resource to support identity formation in teens Teens and Identity Resources.

Rosie 🌹

Teens. Teenagers. Identity and self-care resources and worksheets for kids and teens. Counseling resources, therapy tools.

Teens and Identity Resources Available


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